Harbor Breeze’s Whale Watching Blog & Sightings Log

Things to Do in Los Angeles During Summer

Spring has finally sprung, days are getting longer, and the weather is feeling nicer. You know what that means, right? Summer is only a few short […]

Top Disneyland Alternatives

We get it, Disneyland is pretty cool. As a staple in American culture, it’s a top spot for tourists and locals alike. But, what if we […]

How Smart Are Whales & Dolphins?

The Intelligence of the Sea Have you ever wondered just how smart animals are? Particularly those that live in the ocean? You may not know this, […]

What Do Whales Sound Like?

Communication is such an important part of life – for everything. Communication allows us to express our feelings, tell someone how much we care, problem solve, […]

How Do Whales Defend Themselves?

As some of the largest animals on Earth, whales have a few different tricks up their sleeves when it comes to defending themselves. But how do […]

Reasons Why Whales Are Important

Your Friendly Neighborhood Whale There are currently over 70 different types of whale species in the world’s oceans – dozens of whale species that are just […]

Are Killer Whales Friendly?

Killer Whales 101 Have you ever seen Free Willy? How about Free Willy 2? No, well you must’ve seen Free Willy 3, right? Well, if you […]

Summer Fun: Outdoor Activities in Los Angeles

Adventurous Things to Do in LA Los Angeles, California. Home to scenic drives, beautiful beaches, and fantastic vibes. To some, Hollywood is the heart of the […]

The Best Long Beach, California Attractions

Things to Do in Long Beach Welcome to Long Beach, California also known as the Aquarium of the Pacific. Known for its waterfront activities and attractions, […]
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