Harbor Breeze’s Whale Watching Blog & Sightings Log

footer image, crystal clear water - bottom of the ocean - coral reef

Explaining the Importance of Algae

Algae and marine plants provide shelter and food to fish and other marine life. Many people don’t realize that algae aren’t just important to modern aquatic […]
two dolphins swimming

The Basics of Dolphin Diets

Dolphins are among the most well-known oceanic creatures on Earth. They are renowned for their overall intelligence and playful demeanor. But have you ever wondered about […]
Long Beach underwater reef

The Most Common Marine Plants

Marine plants are some of the most unsung heroes of the seas. Without their presence, many of the aquatic ecosystems that we humans have come to […]
bottlenose dolphin breaching water on Long Beach whale watching cruise

8 Common Bottlenose Dolphin Facts

Dolphins are one of the most charismatic aquatic creatures, and when people think of these animals they often think of bottlenose dolphins. Here at Harbor Breeze […]
two common dolphins spotted by harbor breeze LA whale watching cruises

7 Fun Facts about Risso’s Dolphins

Dolphins are one of the most intelligent creatures in the sea, and when people think of these smart animals they often think of bottlenose or common […]

Common Marine Mammals

Thoughts of the sea generally bring to mind various types of fish. However, some of the most fascinating creatures swimming in the world’s oceans are actually […]

Whale Conservation- Facts & More

Humans have come a long way since our days of nearly hunting whale populations around the globe to extinction. It is somewhat hard to fathom the […]

The Basics of Whale Migration

Before understanding the basics of whale migration, it is important to understand migrations as a whole. A migration is a long-distance movement of an animal. Long […]

All the Things to Do in Long Beach With Kids

Long Beach, California, a city that speaks to the soul. Located south of Los Angeles, Long Beach is arguably one of the prettiest places in SoCal, […]
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