The short answer to this question is no; not all whales have teeth. There are actually two different suborders of whales that are distinguished by their […]
Do whales lay eggs? The answer is no. Because whales are marine mammals, the females carry the offspring in their wombs and have live births! However, […]
Although scientific studies have calculated the average lifespan of a whale to range between 40-70 years for non-endangered, healthy whales, the overall lifespan of a whale […]
Los Angeles is a the most populous city in California and the second-most populous city in the United States after New York! This bustling Southern California […]
First Blue Whale of the Season! Last week, we saw our first Blue Whale of the season! We are still seeing Gray Whales, but the Blues […]
A common question that is usually asked is “can dolphins breathe underwater?” The answer is no, dolphins can’t breathe underwater – but although dolphins need to […]
Whales and dolphins are some of the most majestic marine mammals in the ocean. Mammals both on sea and land share similar characteristics including the need […]
There are so many things that we do not know about the animals we share this planet with, and as humans, it is natural for us […]
Sea creatures fascinate almost all of us from an early age — take any child to an aquarium and they will let you know. The knowledge […]