Harbor Breeze’s Whale Watching Blog & Sightings Log

Sea lion basking on Long Beach whale watching cruise

8 California Sea Lion Facts

California sea lions are a beloved sight along the rugged Pacific coastline of the Golden State. Their playful antics and distinctive barks draw both locals and […]
Long Beach underwater reef

10 Facts About the Pacific Garbage Patch

The Pacific Garbage Patch, a colossal vortex of plastic waste and debris swirling in the Pacific Ocean, stands as a somber reflection of our environmental crisis. […]
Kristina - Long Beach California Whale Watching Boat

Pelagic Fish Explained

If we were to ask you what tuna, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies all have in common—and you’re not allowed to mention their consumption by humans—then the […]
whale underwater seen by harbor breeze LA whale watching cruises

5 Different Pacific Ocean Currents

Did you know that the Pacific Ocean is home to many major ocean currents? Currents of the Pacific Ocean play a crucial role in regulating global […]

A Guide to False Killer Whales

Most people are familiar with killer whales, also known as orcas. These apex predators are widely recognized marine mammals belonging to the dolphin family. Known for […]
orca sighting seen by harbor breeze Long Beach whale watching cruises

Orca vs Great White Shark: Who’s the Apex Predator

The world’s oceans are full of fascinating creatures, including quite a few large and rather intimidating marine animals! If you love nature and the ocean as […]
Long Beach whale watching boat from harbor breeze cruises

8 Must-Know Pink River Dolphin Facts

When you think of dolphins, you likely picture oceanic dolphins—gray in color, leaping out of the water, and swimming in pods. Another type of dolphin, the […]
Sperm whale on Long Beach whale watching tour

10 Facts About Ambergris

What is ambergris? It’s often referred to as the “treasure of the sea” or “floating gold.” Humans have been procuring this substance for centuries, and for […]
educational field trip with harbor breeze cruises

Atlantic Salmon vs Pacific Salmon

When you’re buying salmon at the supermarket, you have probably noticed two different types: Atlantic Salmon vs Pacific Salmon. Have you ever wondered what the difference […]
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