Humpback Whales and Dolphins! 6.17.20
First Blue Whale of the Season! Humpbacks as well!
The past few weeks we have seen more Humpback Whales and lots of Dolphins! Any day now we should start seeing the magnificent Blue Whales so keep your eyes out on our sightings log and Facebook posts. We recommend purchasing tickets in advance from to guarantee you tickets as we continue to limit capacity and you also save $$ off the walk-up adult and senior citizen rates
ATTENTION: We are now open again for daily whale watching and harbor tours. We are following all guidelines from the CDC and local city and health departments for social distancing to prevent spread of COVID-19. We are requiring all passengers and crew wear face masks and practice social distancing at all times and limiting vessel capacity.
We offer daily weekday (Mon-Fri) departures at 12:00pm and 3:30pm. Weekends (Sat-Sun) 10:15am, 1:15pm, 4:15pm.