More Humpback Whales and Dolphins! 7.17.20
Blue Whales are here!
We saw our first magnificient Blue Whale of the season on our 7/26/20 4:15pm cruise! The Blue Whale is the largest animal to ever live on planet earth. We have also seen lots of Humpback Whales the past week. Now is the time to come whale watching, don’t miss out.
ATTENTION: We are now open again for daily whale watching and harbor tours. We are following all guidelines from the CDC and local city and health departments for social distancing to prevent spread of COVID-19. We are requiring all passengers and crew wear face masks and practice social distancing at all times and limiting vessel capacity.
We offer daily weekday (Mon-Fri) departures at 12:00pm and 3:30pm. Weekends (Sat-Sun) 10:15am, 1:15pm, 4:15pm.