Blue whales claim the title of largest animal on the earth, growing to be up to 100 feet in length and weighing in at up to 150 tons or more. These massive sea mammals are distinguishable by their deep, blue color as well as their incredible ability to communicate miles away and far below the water’s surface. Don’t let the size of the blue whale fool you, they too, much like the smaller whales of the sea, migrate seasonally between their feeding and mating seasons.
A common question asked about this species is, “where do blue whales migrate?” Despite their grand size, exact blue whale migration routes are not completely known. However, these whales have been identified in many oceans around the world, including the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Antarctic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. During their feeding months, the gigantic blue whale can usually be found in the chilly, polar waters. Here, they will feast upon krill and other types of zooplankton. When it comes time to mate, they will travel thousands of miles to warmer tropical waters. It is estimated that blue whale migration can last for up to four months.
Mating: Once blue whale migration to their mating grounds is complete, they can be seen mating, socializing, and giving birth in this location for the next few months. After this period ends, they will make the journey back to their feeding grounds.
Feeding: During blue whale migration, the blue whales will not take time to feed. Instead, they will rely upon their great amounts of body fat and blubber for energy and sustenance. In an effort not to deplete these stored calories, the blue whales will maintain a slow and steady swim speed between 3-6 miles per hour.
On coasts of the United States, there are certain times of the year during which the great blue whale can be spotted on their blue whale migration paths. For example, you may be able to catch a glimpse in the waters near Cape Cod in the winter. On the west coast, blue whales can be seen feeding in the summer months.